~~~iTs Meee~~~

~~~iTs Meee~~~

Sunday, August 2, 2009

~waterpark time~

last saturday...the hottest bachelor and bachelorett wet to gambang waterpark...
we all have a gud time at there...huhuh

gerak dri ktn dlm kol 12 lbh..
jay n panda cant came along cz they have their problem...huhuh
cian kt jay n panda....

besh kot g wterpark 2...
walupom bru bkk tp da ramai da dtg....

besh gle la lpak kt c2...
4 amca n ein2...
"my hero" x leh bla 2....hahahahhaa
cayok2 amca...sket jew ag 2...
at last plan we all jd gk nk kne kn amca n ein2...
mak ai...ciap plok2 ag ek kowang...hahaha...
selumbar boy...jgn noty2 k...

nt pas ryer kter g ag k..
mne la thu len men jetski lah...

kesimpulan die...
this weekend mg dap gle...n besh bangat...
mish tht moment...

o u all...
nt de mse g lagi owait???

1 comment:

  1. fuck off brooo!
    seap msk kt blog lg..
    cannot g lah..
    dh2,not happy ending..
    just stop it..~
